FREE Online Government Funded Self Employment Training
Do your plans for 2025 include starting a small business? Spring is just around the corner and so is the next virtual Self Employment cohort that gets underway March 17th.
If you need help getting that business started, the FREE Self Employment Training (government funded) may be the right choice? Check out the online Self-Employment Training Program at Microbusiness Training Centre. This program is designed to help you develop business skills, write a solid business plan and launch your small business with the coaching support of our team.
You could qualify for FREE Government funding or Foundational Learning Assistance while taking Self-Employment Training. To be eligible for Government funding, you need to meet one of the following criteria:
- Currently receiving Employment Insurance (EI);
- Not receiving EI may allow you to qualify for Foundational Learning Assistance based on your personal financial circumstances;
- Have received EI in the past 5 years;
- Have contributed sufficient employee premiums towards EI during 5 of the past 10 years;
- Currently receiving Income Support from Alberta Works;
- Other Albertans may qualify if they are not receiving EI or FLA, but have the personal financial resources to support themselves during self-employment training.
The virtual Self-Employment Training Program at Microbusiness offers:
- Individuals in the greater Edmonton Region and rural Alberta an opportunity to take online classroom training through a Zoom platform. You receive live-stream facilitated instruction, training schedule, training modules, business templates, assignment schedules, individual coaching, access to guest speakers, industry experts and resources.
- 8 weeks full-time online learning with experienced facilitators, business coaches and entrepreneurs helping you gain business skills and develop your own professional Business Plan.
- 18 weeks professional business coaching and mentoring that follows your online classroom experience to help you launch your business.
- 3 months of additional business coaching, mentoring and networking opportunities.
- Interactive and motivational group learning experiences in small online class setting.
- Guest Speaker & Industry Experts include valuable legal, accounting, finance, marketing and social media advice. Meet former Microbusiness grads and more.
- Inclusion in Zoom Group Networking Sessions online to meet other successful business owners.
- Feature for your business in “Success Stories” on the Microbusiness website.
Make 2025 the year you start that small business!
To learn more, join an online Information Session offered every Monday at 11:00 am or Wednesday at 2:00 pm.
To Register: call 780-482-4462, email: or message us on Facebook.